Is there any statistical basis for this assessment? Well, not exactly – but it seems that many more new ideas are being explored by local entrepreneurs today than in the past. Indeed, locals have experimented and taken many economic risks in previous decades, too. Just to try growing potatos and tomatos was a big step in the beginning when a few pioneering farmers shifted to vegetable farming. But – as this post illustrates – there can seem to be a more, new initiatives these years.
Why would there be many new initiatives? Well, risk-willing capital from sources like remittances, but also greater exposure to foreign ideas and concepts – not least on the Internet and TV – clearly play a role. There are many examples of such influence. A pioneer rabbit rearer learned about the great health benefits of rabbit meat and the fast rabbit reproduction rate from the media. Add to that exposure from travelling abroad: one farmer brought home grape staplings from Kashmir, unknowingly planting a new business for the community.
But back to the post in which the examples of a seemingly growing willingness to try new business ideas are elaborated upon.